5 Bday Brady Bunches of Banana-ness Party - Everyone Welcome!
Date: Friday May 6th, 2011
Location: Faces Nightclub
Addy: 224 Richmond St. W
Mention: Ryan, Mike, Demetri, TJ, Wes party
Cover: It's either going to be FREE, $5 or $10 pending on when you get there.... All peeps should be there before 11:00, fashionably late 11:30, Frick I can't get in 12:30 (Don't be that dude that calls me to come out and get you!)
A birthday is like the start of a new year; I habitually re-evaluate my past, make or stick to resolutions to my Year Up goals, and laugh at myself for all the follies I've made til this point. I think there's an age where you put so much pressure on yourself that you end up mocking yourself for not enjoying the moments that make up your character. For me, it's been these past couple of years. It's the chances to use what I've learned, the knowledge gained, and make a difference in this world - to entertain kids and their families. I'm not getting any younger so let's do this!
See you at the party!