Never has there ever been a person to push me so hard than Ming. While my parents and family supported and loved me, he always nudged me to do more. He taught me that when you're comfortable, it means you are not striving to your true potential - Don't be afraid to fail.
As children growing up, I absorbed many of his dreams to be a provider and desire to make an imprint on this planet. We committed to tasks with purpose and motivation - whenever I was tired or lazy, he'd call me out and made sure I looked at the "big picture." We tinkered with electronics, built bike ramps and forts - it was him that I learned "if you are not going to do something right, than don't do it at all." He showed me how to formulate a plan and execute the follow through; he gave me patience and poise. We didn't come from wealth so we had to hustle and use our imagination to make due. He had some harebrained ideas that seemed impossible... but he made them happen.
He always tried to bring out the best in me and never let me cut corners. We became men together, depending on each other on the most difficult of tasks. "Two heads are better than one..."
Ming, my brother, I love you. In my steps forever.
My peeps, life isn't easy or sometimes fair but if you can give to Kristen and Krystal's RESP fund - I'd know their lives would be put on the right tracks.
Love you guys... more than you'll ever know.
Kristen & Krystal from Mr.W on Vimeo.