Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Kristen & Krystal on Vimeo
Kristen & Krystal
These two munchkins are my cuz's kids. They've meant a lot to me in understanding the meaning of family and the coming of the next generation. Grandparents talk about generations like I talk about remembering what happened last summer; only I speak in gaps of a few months when they speak in periods of a few decades. More and more I value the importance of remembering where our family came from and how to teach the next generation of rugrats this same value. It's funny how your parents and grandparents are always right when you think they couldn't be more wrong.
I wish I could spend more time with the both of you and your family... Soon I hope.
The next generation is quickly growing up... Soon it'll be us taking our little tikes to Canada's Wonderland, CNE and fishing trips... WEIRD!
Oh, Congrats to my sista' who had her "next generation" kid... I'll write about that one soon.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Vacation with the Hardy's! on Vimeo
So Lucky...
I've been lucky to have more good days then bad... And while those bad days have seem crippling and never ending, one good day pops up and a smile is just enough to remind me that I am so lucky. Lucky to have friends that care and all of us do what we can to make each other feel... Free again. Free from those bad days and smile ear to ear on the good ones.
Thanks Matty, Melissa and little Bella! JLM & I luv' ya' guys!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Some days are worth more waking up for then others. Take today. Eight years… that’s right, YEARS… ago I was able to wear down my girlfriend into submission to finally ask me out… we’ve been dating ever since. Today is always worth waking up for; to know we still try to win each other’s heart and make efforts to do special things.
There truly are some people in this world that you cannot live without.
I don’t know where these past eight years have gone but I know where I still want to be: With You. It seems at times that everything in our lives is so far out of reach; the agony of possessing enormous dreams and aspirations I guess. But when I really think about what’s meaningful and complete, I know it’s in the curves of our palms when we hold hands caused by habit. We just fit. And for me, that’s all it takes to want to get up in the morning; to treat my problems like temperate rain knowing the sun will always shine through and the dark clouds never last forever.
Maybe we’ll never get to be the person who we dream we would be but being with you will always make me a better man
Love you baby…. And that’s the best dream of all.
Happy Anniversary!
If you're reading this... thanks to BJC and Melly H in helping me in my master plan
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