Following a dream almost always results in leaving someone you love behind. The parents who wished they could have their baby girl back for just one more day, the bonds of friendship stretching to its full elasticity, or the love that had to stay back. Pursing a dream can be heartbreaking and yet sometimes it is the only way we know we are alive. My dad once told me when there is pain that is when you know you are working hard. Sometimes without bitterness do you really know what honey tastes like. I’ve always reminded myself in order to truly enjoy being rich; you have to understand what it’s like to be poor… Too bad I experienced the latter much longer then the predecessor. Luckily I am never short of dreams… Neither is my broad…
Knowing how dreams can consume and still chasing a few of my own, I’m proud to be a part of your life JLM. And while I’m that guy that had to stay back the wind will always feel beneath me when I think of you… never moving me from place to place: I’ll always be here.
Baby, good luck on Broadway and kick ass in New York!
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